
“A high view of God’s sovereignty fuels death-defying devotion to God’s global mission.” - David Platt

Ethan Knight

Campus Outreach, Jacksonville State University

I came to faith in Christ at the end of my sophomore year of college at JSU through a CO bible study in my fraternity. I learned that the satisfaction I had been seeking in my life was only found in a relationship with the God who made us and purchased us by his blood. After college I planned to spend time overseas taking the gospel to college students in New Zealand, but due to Covid-19 the borders were shut, and the Lord opened up new ministry opportunities right where I am. We now have a thriving college ministry at JSU and I'm excited to continue investing in this ministry alongside CO to further reach the campus for the glory of God.

Irian, Sarah and Kamilah Hernandez

Serving in the Rio Grande Valley Region

We serve and disciple local believers for the aim of future church planting in the South Texas and Northern Mexico border region through our local Spanish-speaking congregation. We also do this through our service at Seminario Bíblico Rio Grande, a seminary designed to equip Latin American Christians for global ministry and missions. Click the link to learn more about Rio Grande.

Cole Limbaugh

Fellowship of Christian Athletes 

Our mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We seek to accomplish this mission through our E3 stategy: Engage, Equip, Empower. We engage coaches and athletes through genuine relationships sharing our lives and the Gospel. We equip coaches and athletes to grow in Christ through God's Word. We empower coaches and athletes to engage and equip others to know and grow in Christ.

Marshall and Jill Rae Lewis

To Every Tribe; Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada

Brief description of our mission: We are working as missionaries in Sioux Lookout to strengthen existing First Nations led local churches and to see new ones established in the region of Northwest Ontario. Sioux Lookout is a small town of about 5,000 people that offers health care, social and education services to people from 24 remote First Nation reserves. 

Taylor and Anna Neese

To Every Tribe; Central and Eastern Europe

Taylor and Anna are currently laboring in the Czech Republic with the hope that the Lord would raise up a generation for his glory that would lead to healthy churches being planted in both the Czech Republic and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Ryan Limbaugh

FCA Alabama State Director

FCA’s vision is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. Our mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and HIS CHURCH. Our strategy is called E3 – Engage, Equip, Empower. Our methods are Huddles, One-on-ones, Camps, and Events. Grace Fellowship, your partnership with FCA Alabama is crucial for fulfilling our vision and mission. Your generous support of the State Director is truly remarkable! Because of that you really serve as the flagship local church for FCA Alabama. Your passionate praying, giving, and serving empowers me to impact coaches and athletes throughout the entire state with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jorge and Keesa Gutierrez-DuPré

 Lima, Peru

Jorge and Keesa Gutierrez-DuPré have been serving the Lord together in Lima, Peru for over ten years. (Keesa has been on the field since 2010; Jorge has been serving the Lord in his local church since he received Christ at age 14.) Their passion is for teaching the Bible and growing the Kingdom of God through evangelism and discipleship. Jorge is the Peru coordinator for the Mobile Bible Institutes, a program which takes seminary-level training to underprivileged rural pastors. Jorge and Keesa both serve in World Reach's bilingual Christian school, Jorge teaching Bible classes to the highschoolers and Keesa teaching English to the kindergarteners and first graders. Keesa also helps develop the English curriculum for the school. In addition, both Jorge and Keesa are active in their church, Filadelfia Bible Baptist Church, where Jorge serves as assistant to the pastor. Together they lead the youth groups and also teach leadership workshops aimed at "equipping the saints for the work of ministry," training and preparing lay members to serve in the local church body. They both teach Sunday School, Jorge with the adults and Keesa with the 4-6 year olds, and they are both active in evangelism and discipleship. Keesa is also studying her masters in Biblical Counseling at Westminster Theological Seminary with the purpose of strengthening and enriching her counseling ministry. They have been unable to have children, but they find comfort in Isaiah 54:1 and pour their love and energy into their students and spiritual children. They send out an average of 4 to 6 email newsletters per year with pictures and stories from the ministry; if you would like to recieve their newsletters, please write to Keesa at kdupre@world-reach.org and indicate that you would like to be added to the mailing list.  

The Porch Family 

West Africa

Please refer to their prayer card or newsletter in the Mission's lobby at Grace Fellowship for more info on how to give support.